Head Teacher Blog: Friday 19th July 2019

Date: 19th Jul 2019 @ 10:55am

This is my final Head Teacher Blog of the year – and what a year it has been!

I am so incredibly proud of Over St. John’s CE Primary School and everyone linked to it; a place where ‘the school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding,’ where ‘the Christian values of the school provide a secure foundation for pupils’ personal and SMSC development’ and where ‘the pupils are confident in their own abilities and display the qualities of successful learners well. Their conduct in and around the school is excellent. They are polite and well-mannered at all times. They are welcoming to guests and demonstrate a clear enjoyment of their school.’ (Ofsted 2019).

At Over St. John’s, our roots lie in faith and respect and it was wonderful to see this clearly acknowledged in our recent Ofsted report. Everything that we do is about and for the children to enable them to ‘Let their light shine before others’ (Mathew 5:16) – something that they have done all year and I know will continue to do.

I would like to wish lots of love and luck to our Year 6 children as they leave us today and continue their education at their chosen secondary schools. OSJ will always be their home and they will always be welcome here.

I would like to wish you all a very lovely, restful holiday and I really look forward to seeing you all back in school on Tuesday 3rd September at 8.45am.

Take care,

Mrs Snowdon