Head Teacher Blog: Friday 22nd January 2021

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 10:48am

We have all managed to get through a very wet and wild week this week where the weather seems to have thrown so much at us – as if being in lockdown wasn’t enough. Fortunately, it affected the running of school with very little impact and I do hope that you all managed to stay safe and dry at home – I’m sure that you will have all seen some of the terrible effects of the weather in our local area on the news or social media.

New website! You may have noticed a change to our website today as you have come to read this blog. We have been working with School Spider, our website provider, on a new, more up to date look. This is on the desktop and mobile versions. We hope you like it!

Whilst doing this refresh, I have discovered that Apple products do not display text in Comic Sans on the app version and as such, it changes everything to a very fancy font. I apologise to anyone using Apple products as we weren’t aware of this and having looked at the font, it is incredibly difficult to read. Now that we know this, we will make sure that you are able to easily read the information that we post in blogs.

Reminder: Free School Meals Food Parcels

Government guidance is that the ‘steps schools take during this national lockdown period will depend on local circumstances.’ (Read the guidance here) Our local circumstances are that our catering company, Edsential, are able to provide weekly food parcels to cover 5 lunches with each parcel for one child.

The office will send a text weekly to those in receipt of FSM, who aren’t in school, to see if you would like a food parcel for the following week with a response deadline – Edsential need to know in advance of how many food parcels to cater for and the amount of ingredients to order. If you would like one every week without having to respond every week, please do let us know that too.


Already well established as one of the giants of the online shopping arena, eBay has prospered even further during the pandemic. Locked-down buyers have luxuriated in having more time to root out bargains, while sellers aim to recoup cash for unwanted items they’ve unearthed while decluttering. Since 1995, eBay has offered mutually beneficial solutions for purchasers and vendors alike. But because eBay’s so familiar, does that mean it’s without risk? What are the possible issues and scams to look out for? And can you trust all the listings on the site? This #WakeUpWednesday, make sure National Online Safety’s free guide to eBay goes into your basket.

Please remember that your child’s class teachers are only at the end of an e mail all day. We would prefer that you contact them via this method so that, for safety reasons, they leave their bubble environment as little as possible and avoid sharing the phone in the area that Mrs Rutherford is working.

Once again, thank you so much for all the positive messages that we continue to receive from so many of you. Each one is shared with every member of staff to help keep everyone’s spirits high and we really appreciate that we are in your thoughts – as you all continue to be in ours.


Take care,


Mrs E Snowdon

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