Head Teacher Blog: Friday 25th June 2021
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 1:07pm
Year 6 Leavers Service
Hooray! I’m so excited to tell you that we will be holding a Leaver’s Service this year for our Year 6 children on Friday 16th July at 9am. This service will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams and will therefore be very different to those that we have celebrated in church in the past, but we feel that it is incredibly important to recognise our valuable children as they leave OSJ and move on to secondary school. This will be open to the adults of the children in Year 6 – a link will be e mailed nearer the time – and the children across school will pay tribute to our fantastic Year 6 children on their last day.
Thank You
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continual support in following our COVID Plan and risk assessment that is on our website (Re-Opening Plan). There has been much in the news recently about the rise in cases and the number of children who are not in school due to bubble closures. I know that many Head Teacher colleagues are having to close bubbles within their schools and I count us to be incredibly lucky and fortunate that I have not had to do so at all, although we must always be prepared in case we do. We still have 3 weeks left to try and get through and I know that you will all do what you can to get us to the other side – so thank you!
Summer Reading Challenge
Winsford Library have shared details of this year’s Summer Reading Challenge with the theme of Wild World Heroes, which is focussing on how children can help the environment in their local communities and beyond. There are lots of exciting things planned as part of the challenge with events and competitions, so do please click on the link, have a look and get involved!
Children can join the challenge online nationally via the Summer Reading Challenge website and locally (so they do not have to fill in forms at the library) via www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/read webpage. The national site is available now and the Cheshire West site will be available from 10 July.
According to the latest estimates, the UK’s online gambling market is worth upwards of £5 billion per year. In periods such as this, with the Euros in full swing, Wimbledon about to get underway and The Open starting next month, traffic spikes as sports fans attempt to secure a windfall on the back of their confident predictions. Of course, very few of them succeed.
‘What harm can the occasional bet do?’ some might ask. The nature of addiction and the human brain however, can soon turn ‘the odd flutter’ into a serious and damaging habit, particularly among young people. National Online Safety’s #WakeUpWednesday guide this week outlines the pitfalls of online gambling and suggests ways that they can be avoided.
Please may I ask you to be considerate when parking to drop off and collect children from school? We have had a couple of occasions this week where cars have blocked the pavement, particularly in front of the shops by the cross, making it difficult for pavement users and those with buggies and prams to get past. I absolutely appreciate that this could be other members of the public and not our considerate adults, but every little helps.
Informing School of a Positive Result
With the rise in cases in the Winsford and Northwich areas due to the Delta variant, please may I remind you that if any of your children have to take a COVID test and the result comes back positive, we need to know this at school as a matter of urgency, whether it is evenings or weekends, to enable us time to organise things in school and contact the relevant people. During school hours, please call the office on 01606 592608 – do not leave an answer phone message – please continue to ring until you speak to someone. If it is the evenings or weekends, please e mail your child’s name and class to positiveresult@overstjohns.cheshire.sch.uk This is for positive results in our children only. If your child needs to isolate as a direct contact because someone in your household, childcare or support bubble or someone somewhere they have been has tested positive, please e mail the normal admin@overstjohns.cheshire.sch.uk address.
Confirmed Dates for the Summer Term 2021
Friday 9th July End of year reports to be sent out electronically
Friday 16th July Year 6 Leaver’s Service at 9am. Link to follow to adults of Year 6.
Friday 16th July School closes for summer with bubble closure times as follows:
Blakemere at 1:45pm
Linmere at 1:45pm
Oakmere at 1:50pm
Delamere at 1.55pm
Sandymere at 2pm
Hatchmere at 2.05pm
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs E Snowdon