Head Teacher Blog: Friday 25th October 2019

Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 1:47pm

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in donations for the Mid Cheshire Foodbank over the last couple of weeks – we are so grateful for your generosity. All the donations were delivered to the foodbank yesterday who will weigh it all and let us know the size of the donation, which I will share with you all when we find out. In the meantime, please take a look at the photograph below which shows the donations in school. You may or may not be aware that Over St. John’s is able to issue foodbank vouchers to anyone in the local community who is in need of them. These can then be taken to St. John’s church on a Wednesday afternoon to swap for essential items. In this way, you can see that all of your donations go to help a very worthy cause in our own community. Many thanks.

It was lovely to see a very full church yesterday as so many of you were able to come and join us at our Harvest Festival. The children confidently read poems and sang beautifully to share their thanks to God for all the food that he provides for us and we extended this in our prayers to many other aspects of our lives that we are thankful for. Sandymere’s class Christian value is thankfulness and as their bible verse states: ‘In all things gives thanks.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:18


‘Sadfishing’ is described as a behavioural trend where people make exaggerated claims about their emotional problems to generate sympathy and attention. It was a term initially coined to describe celebrity behaviour but has since come to the fore in the media with the genuine concerns raised about the trend. The danger is that real problems can be overlooked for individuals who are just attention seeking. So, should parents be worried? Why might children get involved in sadfishing and what could it lead to? National Online Safety have created a guide to help parents and carers understand exactly what sadfishing is all about. Click below to access it.

Applying for Secondary and Reception Places for September 2020

If you have a child in Year 6, the application round closes next week for you to apply for a secondary school place. It is very important that you do this before the deadline which is 31st October, otherwise your application will be classed as a late application and could have a severe impact on your preferred school choice. Before making your application, it is important you view the Transferring to Secondary School information booklet. To apply, you will need to create an account or login if you have an existing online account.

As a school, we are a partner primary with both The Winsford Academy and Hartford CE High School which means that applications for children from our school are considered above some other categories, should the school be oversubscribed, but only if you have made you application on time. Further details with regards to this can be found in the ‘Transferring to Secondary School’ information booklet in the link above.

If you have a child who is turning 4 years old between now and 31st August 2020, or know of a child who is, then the application round is also open for them to apply for their Reception place. The timescale is slightly different for this and you have until 15th January 2020, but like the secondary school place, before making your application, it is important you view the Starting School information booklet. To apply, you will need to create an account or login if you have an existing online account.

Confirmed Dates for the Autumn Term 2019

Monday 4th November: School opens at 8:45am

Friday 22nd November: Blakemere to visit Chester for the Dewa Roman Experience

Sunday 1st December: All Together Service in St. John’s church at 11am

Hatchmere to take part, but all members of our school community are welcome.

Monday 2nd December and Tuesday 3rd December: Linmere to take part in the WEP Christmas Concert at the Lifestyle Centre

Monday 2nd December: Sandymere and Delamere to ‘Sing the Christmas Story’ at St. Chad’s Church

Tuesday 10th December: School nurses to carry out Nasal flu vaccination for all children

Tuesday 17th December: Carol Service in St. John’s Church at 1.45pm. Collection from Church for all children at 3pm, not at school.

Thursday 19th December: Whole school pantomime visit

Thursday 19th December: School closes at 2pm for Christmas


I hope that you have an enjoyable and restful half term holiday after a long 8 weeks, and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 4th November at 8:45am.


Take care,

Mrs E Snowdon

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