Head Teacher Blog: Friday 26th November 2021
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 11:19am
This week we have begun the season of advent in school. Many people think that advent begins on 1st December when we get to open the first door on our advent calendars. However, in the Christian church, advent is actually the four Sundays leading up until Christmas, finishing on Christmas Eve and so this year advent begins this Sunday 28th November. As there are four Sundays in advent and we have four Fridays left in school, we lit the first candle on our virtual advent wreath in our Collective Worship this morning. We have talked a lot about waiting and using this time to get prepared for the arrival of Jesus. In class we have virtual kindness advent calendars which we will open each day with an act of kindness to carry out. We linked this in with our school Christian values and how, in carrying out acts of kindness we will be shining our light for others.
Carol Service
Last week I informed you about some of the differences that need to take place for our Carol Service this year. Further details of this will be sent out in an e mail on Monday and the booking system for tickets will go live on Wednesday 1st December. Please read the information carefully, particularly with regards to things that we have put in place for our risk assessment and also for very important details with regards to tickets.
Cryptocurrency’s availability and influence has grown exponentially since Bitcoin debuted in 2009. Little over a decade later, there are more than 5,000 different types of cryptocurrency on the market. Some, of course, are more successful than others but the concept has now established a sufficiently robust beachhead to thrive in the coming years.
This means, naturally, that cryptocurrency will be embedded even more deeply in our culture by the time today’s schoolchildren are grown. It’s incumbent on the trusted adults of today then, to begin equipping young people for this new method of carrying out transactions online. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide brings parents and carers the essentials on cryptocurrency.
Winsford Christmas Lights Switch On
Tonight marks a return to the annual Winsford Christmas Lights Switch on. The children in Blakemere have made lanterns and will be taking part in the parade from the town centre to the Old High Street. Once at the Old High Street, there will be lots of family entertainment and one or two famous faces, culminating in the lights switch on at 5pm and fireworks at 7pm. It should be a really lovely event for all the family.
Church Events
Following on from the success of St. John’s Church Family Film Night, there is another one coming up for Christmas and also a Street Nativity on Christmas Eve – please see the flyers attached below for more details. If you would like to attend either of these exciting events, just scan the QR codes on the flyers.
Free Services Available in Cheshire West
Weaver Vale Housing Trust has a wide range of employment support services available to both its tenants and also the wider community. Please find attached below details of their free, friendly support services that they have on offer.
If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact them using the details provided below.
Applying for Primary School Places for September 2022
If you have a child who is turning 4 years old between now and 31st August 2022, or know of a child who is, then the application round is open to apply for their Reception place for which you have until 15th January 2022. Before making your application, it is important you view the Starting School booklet. Results are available from 16th April 2022. To apply, you will need to create an account or log in if you have an existing online account.
School Dinners
School dinners cost £2.34 per day, £11.70 per week. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free meals as part of the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme. Dinner money must be paid in advance via School Spider as we do not accept cash in school.
If you are in receipt of benefits and think that you may be entitled to free school meals, please click here for more information and support and how to apply. It is very important to apply for free school meals whatever year your child is in, even if you receive the UIFSM in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, as the school receives a sum of extra money to further help support your child and their education.
Absence During Term Time
Please may I remind you that schools are not allowed to authorise pupil holidays in term time. Any child going on holiday in term time will receive an unauthorised absence. Our registers are regularly checked by the Education Welfare Service and parents may be issued with a fine from the Local Authority for unauthorised absence, which is currently £60 per child, per parent and this rises to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
Confirmed Dates for the Autumn Term 2021 – new dates highlighted
Friday 26th November: Blakemere to take part in the Winsford Lantern Parade
Sunday 5th December: All Age Service in St. John’s Church at 10.30am. Hatchmere to take part but all are welcome.
Sunday 12th December: St. John’s Church Family Film Night at 4pm
Tuesday 14th December: Carol Service in St. John’s Church at 1.30pm – collection from church by 3pm
Thursday 16th December: Pantomime Day and Christmas Jumper Day (non uniform event)
Friday 17th December: School closes at 2pm
Friday 24th December: St. John’s Church Street Nativity 2pm – 4pm
Have a lovely weekend.
Take care,
Mrs E Snowdon