Head Teacher Blog: Friday 30th November 2018

Date: 29th Nov 2018 @ 3:40pm

Yet again, we have held another special week in school. This week has been Anti Bullying Week on the theme of Choose Respect. Children have been thinking about making sure that their words and actions show respect and kindness, both face to face and online because bullying is a behaviour choice, and if we choose respect, we know that we aren’t bullying anyone. Children carried out a variety of activities in class around the theme of Choose Respect and you may be able to see some examples of those on their class blogs. We also held an Odd Socks Day (or Odd Boots in my case!) today to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique.

The idea of choosing respect and us all being individual and unique works well with our No Outsiders school ethos. This week, we started assembly by watching the opening dance routine from the Strictly Come Dancing results show on Sunday night, which was an inclusive dance routine featuring pro dancers with disabilities and same sex dance couples. We discussed how all the dancers worked together and were treated equally, despite any differences that they have. We read the story ‘Max the Champion’ and we learnt that Max was a very popular, happy boy in school who loved sports and did incredibly well at them. As we looked closer at the pictures, we saw that Max used an inhaler and wore a hearing aid and we discussed how that didn’t make any difference – he was equal to everyone else and could achieve just as well as everyone else.

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Romans 12:6-8

Congratulations to our children who went to Winsford Academy last week for a Maths Challenge. The children came up against some other talented mathematicians from across the town and they used their gifts really well to do their very best at answering some very difficult questions! The children were thrilled to come and show me their certificates the next morning and I would like to thank Joseph, Faye, Mia, Olivia, Daniel, Hannah and Max for representing the school so well.

The children in Sandymere, Delamere and Linmere have been busy out on trips this week to Norton Priory and Manchester Airport. All the children had a wonderful time and the children came back tired but happy – what more can you ask?!

This week’s #WakeUpWednesday campaign from National Online Safety involves a free online safety guide about Twitch; an online gaming-focused live streaming service, owned by Amazon, which has over 15 million daily active users. Describing itself as a ‘community of millions who come together to create their own unique, live, unpredictable, never-to-be-repeated entertainment’, Twitch is undeniably a popular platform for online gaming enthusiasts. With young children and teenagers frequenting the platform, it is important for parents and trusted adults to be aware of the associated risks, including, but not limited to: uncensored material; unwanted contact from strangers; online bullying, live streaming and online payments.
Please take a look at the safety guides below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/natonlinesafety/status/1067809053865402373
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NationalOnlineSafety/photos/a.1681508315488685/1924624341177080/?type=3&theater

Good luck to our children in Blakemere who are taking part in the lantern parade tonight for the Winsford Christmas Lights Switch On. They had a great day yesterday making their lanterns in preparation – let’s hope the rain holds off tonight!

Confirmed Dates for the Autumn Term – additions/ changes from last week are highlighted.

Sunday 2nd December: All Together Service in St. John’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome for the Christingle Service.

Monday 3rd December and Tuesday 4th December: Linmere involved in WEP Christmas Choral Project at the Lifestyle Centre – letters have been sent home regarding arrangements and tickets.

Wednesday 5th December: Children to visit St John’s Church for a service

Thursday 6th December: School Disco 6pm – 7.30pm

Friday 7th December: Christmas Fair 3pm – 5pm

Thursday 20th December: Blakemere to carol sing at Overdene Care Home (am)

Thursday 20th December: Carol Service in St. John’s Church at 1.45pm. All welcome. Please note: All children to be collected from church at 3pm instead of school.

Friday 21st December: Whole School to Northwich Memorial Court for the pantomime – Cinderella

Friday 21st December: Non Uniform Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children

School closes for Christmas at 2pm

Don’t forget to keep checking the calendar on the school website. If you click on an event on the calendar, more information about that event will be given, if it has been added.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs E Snowdon