Head Teacher Blog: Friday 3rd April 2020

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 10:10am

Well, yesterday brought the end of the Spring Term - not the usual ending that we are used to was it? Usually, we would have looked forward to sharing in our Easter Service in church, listening to the children sing songs, read poems, say prayers whilst remembering the most important time in the Christian calendar... but not this year. However, I know that before school closed the children had been practicing their songs together in school. Here is a link to some Easter songs that the children can share with you at home - there are some favourites that we have done in school as well as some new ones to try. Why not hold your own Easter service at home, you could also decorate some Easter bonnets or eggs whilst you are at it? Furthermore, you could follow this link to make your own palm cross at home. Other ideas to celebrate Easter can be found here.

I know that you will have been finding the links and ideas that teachers are posting on the class pages for activities to do at home very useful. Please do not forget that times are very different at the moment, all children are in the same position and please do not feel any pressure to be busy on academics all the time. Do what you are able and take time to do other things at home that you might not normally do - baking together, getting in the garden, reading stories; all these things are opportunities to learn too, just in different ways. I am sure that many of you might normally be thinking about trips out during the holidays, however we know that this is not possible this year as we need to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. I shared a document with staff earlier this week that gives lots of ideas for trips out whilst staying at home! Please see below.

Mrs James has been busy working on the governments new guidance that came out a couple of days ago with regards to Free School Meals (remember, this is different to Universal Infant Free School Meals). I know that you had previously heard from the office with regards to FSM, but this now takes over from that.

As we end two weeks of school closure and the end of the Spring Term, I would like to say a huge thank you to the dedicated staff at OSJ who are continuing to keep the school running in a number of different ways and playing their part to keep the country safe. I also admire the strength of our whole school community during such strange times and would urge you all to continue to keep safe and well and stay at home.

Take care.

Mrs Snowdon


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