Head Teacher Blog: Friday 7th June 2019

Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 4:07pm

In our Collective Worship this week, have looked at putting our trust in God. We looked at the story of Julian, who was the first woman to write a book in the English language after she had a dream where God visited her and she felt the need to write it down. We talked about how this took her twenty years, after first learning how to write, and the book, Revelations of Divine Love, is still available today. It talks about how, if you put your trust in God, all will be well. We also thought about Pentecost and how, after Jesus had gone back to heaven, his disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and it gave them the courage and the power to speak out about God. If we trust in God, we too can have this courage. We listened to a beautiful song by Lauren Daigle called Trust in You. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_aVFVveJNs

In our No Outsiders Collective Worship, we talked about supporting people who may feel that they have no voice or their voice is widely represented. We listened to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera which spreads the positive message that we all have inner beauty and we should all feel good about ourselves. We also looked at a picture of Malala and talked about how some extremists shot her in the head because she spoke out about wanting an education for girls. Finally, we read ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing,’ where a bird fell to the floor with a broken wing but so many people just walked past because it had no voice to ask for help, until a boy picked it up, took it home and nursed it back to health. The book is dedicated to Amnesty International and we shared how they help people who have been put in prison for perhaps speaking out against the government and not having a democratic vote. We all agreed that we would welcome everyone into our school, as there are No Outsiders, and do our best to speak up for those people who feel that they don’t have a voice, for whatever reason.

Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

The children in Hatchmere had an interesting afternoon on Wednesday as they welcomed our Chair of Governors, Mrs McClellan, to their outdoor classroom and they helped to plant an Amelanchier tree with her that she had gifted to them. We look forward to the tree growing over the years and giving lots of joy to the children.

Once again over half term, a team of volunteers from Barclays, led by Daniel’s Mum in Linmere, came into school to do some decorating. This time they completed work in my office, the staff room, the staff toilets and the boy’s toilets. The whole school now looks fabulously fresh as these areas have completed our redecoration works and we would like to thank Mrs Iles for co-ordinating this project, getting everyone together and ensuring that the job got done! Thank you!

All the children in KS2 had a fantastic couple of days at the Weaver Hall Museum just before the half term holiday learning about life as an Anglo Saxon. They brought back some fantastic clay models of Anglo Saxons that they had made and I know that they have been sharing many interesting facts with me about the things that they learned. Well done to all the children in KS2 as we got some very positive feedback from the museum about their engagement and behaviour over the two days – thank you children!

We are very pleased to announce that our Kitchen Team is now complete. Mrs Holloway, who has been our cover Kitchen Assistant with Mrs Fogg for most of the year, has been appointed on a permanent basis. We are delighted to welcome her officially to Over St. John’s and our new team has already been getting positive reports from our Parent Questionnaires that were sent out earlier this week!

Sports Day is just around the corner...Thursday 20th June. The children have started practising and they're really looking forward to joining in and trying their best. Please do join us if you can. KS1 will be racing in the morning and KS2 in the afternoon. Please may you ensure that your child comes to school with their PE kit whenever it's their day for PE as we can't let children take part in sporting activities without the appropriate kit for health and safety reasons? Thank you.

Confirmed Dates for the Spring Term 2019

Tuesday 11th June:       Sandymere and Delamere to visit Delamere Forest

Thursday 13th June:     Oakmere Orienteering at Marbury Park

Thursday 13th June:     Year 6 photo for Winsford Guardian

Friday 14th June:          Gardening Club to Over Allotments Open Day

Monday 17th June:       Year 6 Refresher swimming begins

Tuesday 18th June:       Year 6 to Winsford Academy for assembly

Thursday 20th June:     KS1 Sports Day – am

                                        KS2 Sports Day – pm

Friday 21st June:          Blakemere to WVRC for Raising Aspirations project

Saturday 22nd June:     Delamere Street Festival

Monday 24th June:       National School Sports Week begins – further information to follow

                                        Enterprise Week begins

Friday28th June:          PTA Summer Fair and Enterprise Stalls

Don’t forget to keep checking the calendar on the school website. If you click on an event on the calendar, more information about that event will be given, if it has been added

Take care,

Mrs E Snowdon