Head Teacher Blog: Monday 11th May 2020

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:20am

Dear Parents and Carers,

After last night's announcment by the Prime Minister that schools could open to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 1st June, I don't doubt that it may have left many of you confused and wondering what the future holds and how this will look at Over St. John's and you may have a number of questions.

Like yourselves, schools only heard this announcement and received this information at the same time as you. Currently, we have no further information and I am awaiting guidelines from the government to enable us to work out what this means for us. 

In the short term, nothing has changed but rest assured, I will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once I am able to do so.

This is not an easy time for anybody, least of all parents who are trying to juggle so much more than usual at the moment. I would like to thank you all for your continued support - we have had some lovely messages via e mail and some beautiful cards received in the post. I know that, as a school family, we are very strong and Over St. John's looks set to come back even stronger in the not too distant future!

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs E Snowdon