Head Teacher Blog: Thursday 14th May 2020

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 11:43am

Dear All,

The Senior Leadership Team have been very busy these last few days making plans for a possible reopening of school on 1st June. It is very important at this point to tell you that the way that school will operate will be very different to how it has done in the past.

As these plans are being finalised, they are to be shared with all staff next Wednesday 20th May. At that point, we will then be able to share them with you. We will share the document with you via your e mail address that you gave us for School Spider. We will also send out a quick, 3 question survey via School Spider where you can indicate to the school whether you think that you would like to send your Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 child in based on the plans that have been made - we appreciate that this will vary between you, but rest assured that we are doing and will continue to do everything that we possibly can to minimise the risks to your children.

To be clear, this is for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Presently, there is no date set for a return to school for children in other year groups.

Key Worker and vulnerable children will have slight changes to the way in which they operate when in school, but will still be able to attend in the same way as they have been doing previously.

Take care

Mrs E Snowdon