Head Teacher Blog: Thursday 21st May 2020

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 8:33am

Dear All,

I wrote to you all last week with regards to the plan for reopening Over St. John's. This plan has now been shared with all staff and all governors. To help us finalise this plan and create our firm 'bubbles' of pupils for between 1st June and the end of the summer term, I need to ascertain who will NOT be sending their child back until September, regardless of what the plan says. Every parent has the right to make this choice and there will be no consequences with regards to attendance.

Therefore, if your child is in Reception, Year 1, Year 6 or you informed us that you were a key worker at the point of partial closure, please could you e mail admin@overstjohns.cheshire.sch.uk by 3pm today. Please use the following phrase: 'My child ..................... will not be returning to school this academic year.' It is important that every adult of a child in those groups contacts the school. It is also important to tell you that once you have made that decision, we will base our bubbles on those numbers and will therefore be unable to introduce any other children into those bubbles at a later date.

Kind regards,

Mrs E Snowdon