Hello Oakmere 9.7.20

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 2:25pm

Hello Oakmere!

Finally a (slightly!) less rainy day today! I hope you are all having a nice week so far. In school we have been reading 'The Day the Crayons Came Home' which is a fun story about a fed up collection of crayons who have been abandoned in different places by their owner Duncan. If you'd like to listen to it being read yourself, click here! The children then came up with an adventure story for pea green crayon (aka Esteban the Magnificent) and they were very entertaining!

It was lovely speaking to lots of you last week. Just a reminder that you should expect your report via email at some point tomorrow. Then next week we shall be doing a final round of phonecalls before the holidays, giving parents the opportunity to discuss the report if you wish. You will also have read that your school books will be available for you to collect at an allotted time on Wednesday next week.

Next week marks the end of the school year and what a strange year it has been. Mrs Starsiak and I feel proud to have been your teachers this year and thoroughly enjoyed teaching and getting to know every single one of you, albeit not for as long as we would have liked. We are looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces in September, so even if you are moving onto Linmere, please remember us!

Hopefully you can enjoy the summer holidays despite possibly missing out on holiday plans that may have been cancelled. There are more places opening up so I hope you can safely make the most of the this new freedom and I'm sure you will have lots to tell us when we see you after the holidays.

Take care, stay safe and bye for now,

Mrs Riley smiley