Hello Oakmere

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 9:40am

Hello Oakmere,

It was so lovely to be able to speak to so many of you this week.  We really enjoyed hearing about everything you have been up to from camping in the garden, making roast dinners, dressing up, gardening, washing cars and of course a bit of learning too! Some of you have even celebrated your birthday in lockdown and found different ways to mark the occasion. We are SO proud of the way you have adapted to this strange situation.

Some of you were asking what we have been doing in school. Last week we started to read a book called Grandad’s Island. We made our own new islands and wrote setting descriptions about Grandad’s attic and our own islands. We continued the island theme by looking at co-ordinates and playing the game battleships to ensure we understood how to use and read them.

Remember to keep looking at the Home Learning page of the school website to help you find activities you can do at home.

This week is Money Week so we will do some activities in school around this - you might also like to have a go at a few of the activities too. They can be found here:


It’s good to see some of you have already started using Time Tables Rock Stars. The feedback for this has been very positive so if you’ve not tried it yet, give it a go. If you struggle to login in please let us know and we can resend the login details.

Thank you to those of you who have sent in bits of work or letters. We really enjoy seeing what you have been doing and hearing from you.


Keep smiling and have a great week.