Linmere remembers

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:12pm

For this week, lots of our work has been focused around remembrance day. 

A standout piece of work from the week was the children's poem on remembrance day. When presenting this work, we created a poppy from red, green and black card and put this at the side of the poem. Lots of children worked really hard on this and they all did some ace work. 

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Earlier in the week, we also did some geography and history linked to remembrance day. For geography, we researched the 2 main countries in which poppies grew (Belgium and France) and then compared the physical and natural features in these countries. In history, we looked at how remembrance day was formed and how the poppy ties to this day. After this, we created a poster telling us this information and highlighting the importance of this day.

Have a nice weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

Mr Pasquill