Linmere's Blog 04.10.2024
Date: 5th Oct 2024 @ 3:30pm
We’ve had a good week in Linmere.
In English we’ve been writing a first person account and then editing our work to correct spelling, grammar and to make it more interesting.
In Maths we’ve been rounding number, dividing numbers, exploring negative numbers in everyday contexts, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000.
In Science we’ve investigated the changing state of water and how we can reverse the changes.
In Computing we are looking at systems and an Amazon smart locker.
In History we continue to learn about the Romans and this week been learning about Hadrian's Wall.
In RE we’ve been learning about kosher and non-kosher foods.
In Gymnastics we’ve been looking at traveling along the beam and different jumps. Well done to those pupils who completed a forward roll along the beam!
In Art we’ve experimented with different shades of paint for our big art work over the next few weeks!
Our plants are growing nicely, thanks to our plant monitors.
Don’t forgot, spelling test on Monday, and PE is Wednesday and Thursday
Have a good weekend and come back next week to see what we’ve been doing.
Team Linmere