Linmere's class blog 3/7/21

Date: 3rd Jul 2021 @ 8:36am

Another week in Linmere done and dusted and we're finally finishing lots of our units.

This week, we finished our work on fractions and children have puts lots of effort into the last 4 weeks on this topic. Over the last week, the year 4s revised some previous topics whilst the year 5s converted mixed number and improper fractions and then added/subtracted these numbers. In our literacy, we continued to looked at explanation texts and we identified the features of explanation texts and looked at explaining how the Queen of Darkness made Blue John.

During topic this week, we looked at the development of train lines across the UK and we continued to look at healthy eating and food groups. Also on Friday, we did a mini sports morning where the children took part in some inter class races. Lots of the children did fantastically and puts lots of effort into this session. 

I hope you have a good weekend and i will see you Monday

Mr Pasquill