Linmere's weekly blog 09/10/21

Date: 9th Oct 2021 @ 8:24am

This week in Linmere, we've looked at lots of new topics and the children have worked hard to produce some good and relevant pieces of work.

During maths this week, we have developed our confidence when adding 10s, 100s, 1000s and even 10,000s. The children all did well in this unit and were able to apply this knowledge to a range of a problems. In literacy, we continued to work on our book Gorilla and we looked at using fronted adverbials correctly and effectively, 

A standout piece of work this week was our PSHE session on plastic pollution. We are looking at cutting down plastic pollution throughout the school and the children had some good discussions on what we could do to reduce plastic waste. In art, we also created a piece of work which shows the animals being harmed by plastic waste. 

I hope you all have a nice weekened and I will see you on Monday.  

Mr PasquilI