Message for Linmere

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:53am

Hi Linmere,

I hope everyone is doing fine at home and has been keeping safe. I'm hoping people have accessed the home learning tab and completed some work. I will keep adding lots of activities to the page and if you check  it daily there should always be something for you to do. 

Tips for home learning

-Only work 9-3 and set a timetable. 45 minutes of english/maths daily is what we usually do.

-Don't do all the activities in 1-day, spread them out over the week. Make sure the activities you're doing are done well and thoroughly.

-Make sure you have breaks in your day and get some exercise in. You do lots of exercise in school that you don't recognise. 

-Read lots and practice your times tables: This is your time to get both these skills really good for when we come back.

-If you get stuck you can find lots of help on youtube and the links on the website.


Keep going, the hardest week is already out of the way.


Thanks Mr Pasquill