National School Sports week
Date: 21st Jun 2020 @ 10:42pm
This week is our National School Sports Week. The event is run in our area by the VRSSP (Vale Royal School Sports Partnership) of which we are a part. Normally this week sees children across the school have the opportunity to complete in a range of inter-school sports events or try their hands at a new sport. This year however, due to the current pandemic, the VRSSP are running a virtual sports week!
From Saturday 20th June through to Friday 26th June they will be releasing 2 daily challenges via their social media platforms, at 9.30am and at 1pm. Each challenge will be linked to the sport/event we should have had that day however the challenge will be amended so as to be playable with items that can be found around the home.
Any attempts, scores, photos or videos can fed back via the social media platforms or via email to the school office ( or to the VRSSP (
Links to the VRSSP social media platforms are below.
Have fund and enjoy being active!