Oakmere 22nd May

Date: 22nd May 2021 @ 3:44pm

It’s been a wet but busy week in Oakmere.

In maths we have continued to focus on fractions. Y3 have been looking at equivalent fractions and using lots of practical resources to show that e.g. 1/2 is the same as 2/4.  Y4 have worked alongside them revising what they already knew and then using this knowledge to help them solve some fraction problems. What we did notice was that those children who are secure in their knowledge of the times tables found this concept much easier to grab. This brings me nicely to Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots- don’t forget to keep logging on and using these, they really do help! Well done to Gracie, Brooke and Jack who were top scorers this week.

Our English work this week centred on the main character in our story, Joe. We spent time coming up with some words to describe what Joe was like. The children used their inference skills well to find evidence in the text and images to back up and justify their word choices. Later in the week they all really enjoyed “playing teacher” and finding and correcting errors in work. Hopefully, this will now help them to spot their own errors and correct them.

In PSHE we’ve been looking at being responsible and taking responsibility for our actions. This also fed in well with our class collective worship theme of forgiveness.

Excellent examples are attached for you to see what we have been working on.

Have a great weekend.