Oakmere Class Blog 11.10.24
Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 5:46pm
We had a bit of a hectic week in Oakmere with practice fire alarms, photograph day, so many wet plays that I think the children forgot what the outside looked like.
In English the children completed their Diary entry where we were looking at how we used noun phrases to add details and organizing our writing into paragraphs. We have planned the next bit of writing, job application for our dream career, as we have got to the part of the book where our heroine applies for a job with NASA. In our shared read the children were reading about how the Ancient Egyptians used sundials, gnomon and water clocks to tell the time. The children were learning to retrieve information from a text. Spelling test will be on Tuesday.
In Math’s this week we have been counting in fifties and hundreds. They are working hard on learning the three times table. Well done to Beatrice for being our TTRS winner this week. Next week we are moving onto addition and subtraction and we will start on number facts up to twenty.
In Science we will be finishing our work on food chains. We are exploring producers and how they make energy that fuels the whole food chain. On Thursday zoo keepers from Chester Zoo will be spending time with the children in preparation for their trip to the Zoo the following week.
In History we are going to be learning about the process of mummification and following the steps of the Ancient Egyptians but with cardboard mummies. In PSHE we continue to explore personal safety and making the right choices. In Art we will complete our final piece of work based on the skills they have worked on this term. The children are working predominately with charcoal and exploring Chiaroscuro (the interplay of light and dark). In other words, we make a right mess of the classroom, the corridor, the sinks and the children.
Have a great week.
Mrs Kelly