Oakmere Class Blog 19.5.24

Date: 19th May 2024 @ 10:23pm

Hello Oakmere

Can you believe that we are going into the last week of the half term? Don’t forget we have Pupil Consultation evening this week which is a great opportunity for you to see how well your child is doing.

This week in English we will be finishing off our plan and writing a paragraph about the characters meeting a cave bear in the sacred caves. The children will be working on a consistent use of the correct  tenses and adverbs to show action and movement. In our Guided Reading sessions, we are looking at inference  and how the authors choice of words give a depth of information about the characters actions. As you are reading with your child ask them about what certain words tell you about the character or events in their book.

In Maths this week we are looking at Mass, measuring amounts and reading scales. We continue to work on the twelve times table and the children will be tested on this table on Monday.  For the year 4 children don’t forget to have a go on the times table test online.

Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe

In Science we continue to learn about plants and the different jobs that the different parts of the plants do.  The children will be planting seeds that we will be testing to see how the seeds grow when deprived of one element of what they need.

In History we are will be looking at how life improved for humanity at the beginning of the Neolithic period and why. The children will be gathering food and preparing it as we would have during this period.

In RE we continue to look at Sikhism and some of the symbols that Sikhs use. The children will be learning how to play rounders and handball. Please remember to send in your child’s PE kit which was sent home after a particularly wet PE lesson on Thursday.

Have a great week.

Mrs Kelly