Oakmere Class Blog 29.11.24

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 5:18pm


The children have had a fantastic week. They have worked really hard and impressed me with their concentration and focus.

We finished the first draft of our Katherine Johnson fact file and the children will now spend a bit of time editing it and improving the presentation.  The children will then put all their work together into a final draft.  Hopefully we will be moving onto our poetry topic next week where the children will be exploring festival poetry.  This week’s spellings will be some of the homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings) and the children will be tested on these on Tuesday.  Please spend some time with your children learning these. Well done to Daisy and Beautiful who were our top spellers this week.

As this is our tenth week of our reading challenge we already several children who will be getting their bronze start badge.  Please see the pictures attached for our star readers.Please remember to log those reading sessions from home.  I have a lot of children telling me their reading but it is not showing up on the reading log. 

In maths this week we have been playing a lot of games that require us using the skills we are working on.  The children played a game on Wednesday where the used known number facts to ten to work out which numbers would go together to make one hundred and one thousand.  Next week we will be moving onto the six times table with the children.  Please practice this at home and as this times table uses much larger number and can prove a bit tricky for some.  Well done to our TTRS winners this week.  Well done to Beautiful, Belle and Lily.

In Science this week we will be looking at fossils and how they are formed.  We will be experimenting to make our own sponge fossil.  In RE we continue to explore the similarities and differences between the first three books of Genisis. In Music we are learning our Christmas Carol song and looking at music composition with some poetry. We continue to explore the different climate zones in Geography.  PE we continue to work on our dance and hockey skills.  We had a fantastic lesson in dance last week with our PE coach with a special mention for Beautiful and Oscar who worked hard with their partners to remember quite a complex dance.  

We have made a start on our hamper but would really appreciate a few more donations to fill it up. So if your going shopping this weekend throw a little something in the trolley.  Please see the picture attached of what we have so far.

Well done to Tyler for winning the raffle prize this week.  Its all that hard work and lovely manners that won in the end.   We also had Esmee who won a family trip to Arley Hall to see the light show.  That was a nice surprise on a Friday morning.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you all Monday

Mrs Kelly