Oakmere Class Blog 8.12.24
Date: 8th Dec 2024 @ 8:03pm
Oakmere have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week in English. We have been writing acrostic poems using the word Christmas. We have looked at several celebratory festival poems this week and looked at common elements in the different poems. Next week we will be starting our new book The Fossil Girl by Catherine Brighton which links beautifully with our work in science on fossils and how they are made. Next week we will have our last spelling test before Christmas, and I won’t be sending out the new spellings till the New Year.
In maths we continue to explore column addition and subtraction with exchanging numbers. The children are finding it a bit tricky, but we are starting to get the hang of it. We will continue to work on the 6x table. Please encourage your child to go on TTRS. This week I had only five children out of the whole class going on TTRS regularly. TTRS is a brilliant way to learn the tables and it is part of our homework.
In science we are exploring how fossils are made. We have looked at trace, chemical and whole-body fossils. Next, we will look at how fossils are formed in sedentary rocks. The children will be exploring what is good news for Christians in the Christmas story in RE lessons. In Geography we will be exploring what it would be like to live in the different climate zones. In DT we will be working to develop a prototype of our Christmas card.
On Thursday we are going to the Pantomime which is always a great experience. The Christmas Fair is on Friday after school. We still need donations and would appreciate anything you can donate. Raffle tickets for our wonderful hampers will be available for sale this week after school on the playground. Don’t forget to keep an eye on Mrs Snowdon for dates and events coming up in the next few weeks.
Have a great week.
Mrs Kelly