Oakmere Friday News

Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 3:42pm

And just like that next week brings December! Another busy week makes the time fly by!

This week, in Maths, we practised our column additions some more and did some number facts practice today, which proved a little tricky.

In Literacy, we have been finding out a bit more about our books and practising using inverted commas in our writing.

In art, the children have had a go at painting in the style of Lowry, they had a go at painting their own version of the World War II Blitz Night. 

Science brought a fun, practical activity where the children first found out about all our different teeth, their shapes and functions. Then they designed a gum with clay! They had great fun, observing their mouths using mirrors! 

In PE, they were challenged to put together a little performance by combining everything they have learnt in gymnastics this term. We got a fabulous display. Well done everyone.

Have a wonderful weekend, see you all next week.

The Oakmere Team.