Oakmere Friday update

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 3:26pm

Good afternoon,

Today brings the end of another week and the end of the month of September! We have already achieved so much in this time!

We have finished our Place Value unit in Maths – we have had some great work throughout. This is such a fundamental part of Maths, it supports every number work we do.

In Literacy., the children have written and edited a diary.

We have carried on exploring art with paints and colours. Our Science saw us identifying what a healthy meal looks like so they might be coming home suggesting amendments to their dinners!

Please, encourage your child to use TTRockStar at home – we test their times tables every week and it would be incredibly helpful for them if they could practise in the meantime.

Lastly, another reminder to keep your child’s hair fully up in a pony tail or similar on our PE days which are Tuesdays and Fridays.

Enjoy your weekend.

The Oakmere team.