Oakmere Mad about Mexico!

Date: 19th Oct 2020 @ 7:09pm

We have had great fun this week learning more about Mexican culture! We have focused on Mexican foods and traditions, including Dia de los Muertos, which is celebrated at the beginning of November.

On Monday, the children learnt about what Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is, why and how it is celebrated in Mexico and some other North/Central American countries. We made some skull masks, had a go at Papel Picado to decorate our classroom and also used Powerpoint on the learnpads to make an informative powerpoint all about this special day. We also began our PSHCE work on Healthy Eating and the children enjoyed using the Change4Life food scanner app to discover how much sugar was in our favourite snacks! We were shocked to find out that a muller corner yoghurt contains 4 cubes of sugar, a Kitkat chunky has 5 cubes, a 150ml glass of apple juice has over 3 cubes!! Did you know that children aged 7-11 should only have the equivalent of 6 cubes of sugar in a whole DAY?! Why not download the app to use at home - you will be surprised!

On Wednesday, the children contimued on their journey through Mexican culture as they planned a Day of the Dead party in Maths, applying addition and subraction skills to solve problems, and then in the afternoon took part in a food tasting as part of D&T. Some children were not phased in the slightest about trying unfamiliar foods, while others were a bit more wary and took their time exploring the different things before tasting them. Well done to every child in Oakmere for approaching this with an open mind! As well as learning about some common Mexican dishes and tasting some of these ingredients, we also learnt about the different food groups and how food is grown in Europe and the wider world. Our limes had come all the way from Vietnam, our tomatoes from the Netherlands and the avocados were grown in Chile!

Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we couldn't actually cook any of the Mexican dishes we learnt about, but I have attached these for you to perhaps have a go at making at home!

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