Oakmere Week Beginning 18th May

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 8:22pm

Hello you lovely bunch!

How are you all? Well done for now making it through 8 whole weeks of the lockdown. I think you’re all superstars. It was so nice reading messages from you via your parents on the Facebook message that we posted.

This week is Mental Health Week so this is a theme for our activity suggestions this time. As always, pick and choose what you fancy and we look forward to seeing some of the things you’ve been up to when we eventually return to school.


The coronavirus pandemic is something that is completely unique in our lifetime - even our grandparents’ lifetime - so in our house we are going to start putting together a time capsule to bury somewhere in the garden (you could even just hide it up in the loft or at the back of a wardrobe). One day – maybe next year or in 5 years time – you can get it back out and look back on this experience and remember what it was like for you and your family. It may be that you bury it in the garden and it gets forgotten about for years and years until someone in the future digs it up – imagine how exciting that would be to find! Like the archaeologists who explored Ancient Egypt! Anyway, one of the things you might like to include is a diary entry of what a typical day in lockdown is like for you. Or you could write a letter to your future self. Tell yourself about all the things you are going to appreciate more once we have some of our freedom back, like going round to see other family members, our friends and even going to school. There is also an interview page you could complete by asking someone in your family at home or via video call you could ask another member of your family or a friend. All of the sheets are uploaded below so you can decide which ones you would like to include. If you can’t print things off or just want to be more creative, then make your own!


Keeping active and exercising regularly is very important for our mental health and luckily the changes to government guidelines mean we can leave the house for exercise more than once a day now. So maybe you would like to try the Active Maths resource below to get your brains and hearts active!

As in other weeks there is plenty to keep you busy on the White Rose home learning pages and BBC Bitesize This week is fractions and some of this we have covered in class so it will be good to see what you can remember. Unfortunately we can no longer access the worksheets for free on White Rose Maths but the teaching videos are all still there. Also there are links to worksheets on Twinkl from the BBC Bitesize lessons.


Literacy Shed have produced a pack of reading comprehension activities which can be accessed here or you can go to the Year 2, 3 and 4 downloads that I have added to the home learning page.

I have also got a free trial at First News (children’s newspaper) so below you can download this week’s edition below and there is a comprehension sheet and puzzle sheet to go with it.


The theme for this year’s Mental Health Week is ‘Kindness’. I have put together a collection of things around this theme for you to have a go at. There are postcard templates (or again, you could make your own) for you to write to someone just to say hello. It’s always nice to stay in touch, but especially at this time. There are also some colouring sheets for you. Remember, being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to other people.


You might enjoy taking a moment to yourself and doing some mindfulness colouring this week. Colouring can be very calming and you can empty your mind of all other thoughts and worries to just focus on the colours.


There ae a whole range of activities for anyone who enjoys computing here Barefoot Computing.

Hope you all have a nice week. I see the weather forecast is looking great all week so hopefully you can get plenty of fresh air and exercise! 

Mrs Riley smiley


Files to Download