Oakmere Week Beginning 4th May

Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 10:16am

Hello lovely Oakmere!

We hope you are all OK and enjoyed some of the home learning ideas we gave you last week. We had an exciting delivery of some caterpillars earlier in the week and we are now watching them grow day by day before the get ready to turn into butterflies as they make their chrysallis around themselves. I will update you as they go into their next phase!

As it is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday and a bank holiday across the UK, you will notice this is a bit of a theme across our activity suggestions this week. There is a puzzles and code breaking activity pack from Bletchley Park in the files below. Please remember, the ideas below are suggestions only, there is no expectation to complete all or any of them. We are providing them for you to use as and when you wish.


Please continue reading daily. If you are struggling for books, there are plenty of free eBooks available online. You can also get a 30-day free trial at audible and listen to lots of books such as https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Kid-Normal-Audiobook/B07531DMM6

There is also a reading comprehension below if you want to find out more about VE Day.


You may want to continue the poetry work from last week or move on to something different.

If you are interested in World War 2 and particularly VE Day which marked the end of the way with Nazi Germany, why not do some research (see History section below)? Then you could write a diary entry as though you had taken part in the VE Day celebrations. Think about:

What would the street party have been like? What would you have eaten? How would you and your family have felt on this momentous day?


If you fancy some games-themed Maths, have a look at the Playing Cards Maths file below with lots of ideas. Also you could access the White Rose lessons which this week are on ‘Money’ for Y3 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ or ‘Multiplication and Division’ for Y4 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/. Remember, you don’t need to print the worksheets off, you can just write the questions and answers on paper like we often do in our Maths books. The BBC Bitesize lessons can also be used to support your learning https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znf4kmn Y3 or https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfgm6v4 Y4 (check back each day for the next lesson).



VE Day - or 'Victory in Europe Day' - marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. You can find out about it using the following links: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48201749 https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/history/world-war-ii/ve-day/


You could design a poster advertising your street party celebrating VE Day. Why not have a look at some WW2 propaganda posters and try to design yours in a similar style? See file below.


You might like to continue some of our forces work at home:

  • You could try your own investigation into friction using a toy car (or anything with wheels!), a tape measure and some different surfaces (wood floor/ tiles/ carpet/ grass/ lino/ concrete). On which surface did it travel the furthest? Why do you think this was?
  • You could make and test out your own parachutes to investigate the effects of air resistance like we did in school. You could compare different sizes or use different materials for the canopy. Remember to try and keep all the other things the same – especially the height you drop them from – so that it is a fair test!


There are some wartime songs in the Bletchley Park Activity pack that you could look up on YouTube and have a singalong! Or check out this BBC lesson all about rhythm https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6mmxyc .


If you fancy getting busy in the kitchen, have a look at some wartime recipes in the file below and also the Bletchley Park Activity pack. There are both sweet and savoury dishes for you to try!


Mrs Starsiak shared the School Sports Partnership link last week which also mentioned the School Games Active Championships  https://www.yourschoolgames.com/coronavirus-support/school-games-active-championships/ You will need an adult to download the Top Ya! app for you and enter Invite Code 23880.

Have a lovely week and enjoy the long bank holiday weekend, safely at home, with your families.

Mrs Riley and Mrs Starsiak smiley

Files to Download