Our week - 26th Febrary

Date: 4th Mar 2018 @ 9:47pm

It's been a cold and busy first week back. 

In English we started work on a new book -Gorilla. The children did well at predicting what the story would be about and then impressed with their deep thinking and portrayal of the characters in the book through drama.

Our maths work this half term focuses on fractions. The children are now seeing how much times tables will help them with this. Any time that you get at home to practice times tables would be invaluable.

Despite it only being a four day week we also found time to start our new topic: "battle of Britain", celebrate world book day with a scavenger hunt and matching blurbs to front covers, learn about balance in gym with Mr Waring and raise money for the brain tumour charity by wearing bandanas (thank you all for generosity with this). 

We hope you've had a good weekend.