Our week in Oakmere 06.12.19

Date: 7th Dec 2019 @ 3:41pm

This week we have been busy making Christmas cards to sell at the Christmas fair. I have to say they look amazing and each card was unique as they were handmade using the children's fingerprints.  As a class we also came up with a company name and made posters to advertise our "business".

Alongside all of this we started our multiplication and division unit in maths where we looked at how knowing one multiplication / division fact helps us to find 3 other number facts. 

In English we are nearing the end of our unit on The Winter's Child. On Friday the children wrote some lovely descriptive pieces about how the forest had changed now that spring had arrived.

We also manged to find time for a bit of art work based around Hokusai's Great Wave. We focussed on trying to get the colours and movement of the waves in our own pieces.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the fair on Friday. We do still have a few packs of cards left so if you were unable to make it but still want to purchase your child's cards please send £1.50 into school and we will send the cards home.

See you all next week.