Our week in Oakmere 10.01.21

Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 8:06pm

Well, it wasn’t quite the first week back that we expected it to be was it?

Despite the fact it has been rather strange we have been so pleased with the way all the children have responded to this new way of learning.

It’s lovely seeing their smiling faces at 10:30 and we will continue to meet at this time every day. As mentioned in the last call if there’s anything you particularly like or would like us to incorporate into these meetings please let us know and we’ll do our best.

Thank you also for your patience – I think getting to grips with technology has been a struggle for a few of us, or at least for me! Together we’ll get there.

Well done to everyone who has sent back their completed work- we really do enjoy seeing how you are getting on with the tasks set.

Remember on Wednesday you will be creating your own item for the Tin Forest so save any packaging or recycling that might be of use. It would be lovely to see some of your creations on Thursday during our daily meeting so please bring them along to that if you can.

Finally, thank you for all your words of support, thanks and encouragement. They really do mean so much to all the Oakmere team.

Take care and stay safe.