Parliament Week in Delamere Class 4.11.21

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 9:32am

We have had the most wonderful time learning about parliament in Delamere class this week. We explored how we are part of a democratic society and have the right to vote and discussed the children’s opportunities for democracy here at Over St John's Primary School such as voting for the book of the day and voting for our class school councillors.  The school councillors also explained how democracy was used within the school council meeting to elect the chair, vice chair, treasurer, and secretary of the school council. 

We looked at the houses of parliament and how many important laws and discussions take place there. Inspired by this we then held our own parliamentary debate for/against reducing the use of single use plastic. There were some very valid points voiced and the children showed courageous advocacy by speaking out for change, challenging injustice and becoming agents for change in their local and global communities.  There was many rounds of applause and bravos to be heard!

Team Delamere