Parliament Week in Oakmere

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:15pm

In Oakmere this week, the children have enjoyed learning about Parliament and what it means to live in a democratic country. We reminded ourselves of the British Values of democracy and the rule of law by running a class vote, exploring the role of MPs and how laws are passed in Parliament.

We continued our work as courageous advocates, completing work as part of our campaign against single-use plastic. We all had to think of promises we could make to reduce our use of plastic and a small group of children were inspired to write a letter to challenge the use of plastic bottles for the milk which children in KS1 receive daily.

All children also completed a piece of art work which features a cinquain poem about the dangers of plastic in our oceans. Well done children - it was amazing to see you all so passionate about becoming 'agents for change' and speaking up for those who do not have a voice.
