Reading at home champions

Date: 27th Feb 2018 @ 11:32am

In Hatchmere we are always encouraging the children to read as much as possible at home. Developing reading skills through constant practice, especially at home is vital to your child's progress and well being. By having the skills to read will allow the children to explore many fabulous books and will help them bring the stories to life using their imagination a long with the story.

In Hatchmere I do a daily check of the childrens reading diaries to see who has been reading a home, I keep a chart  on the wall in the classroom and at the end of each half term add up who has read the most at home. our first half term champions were...

Joint first = Lauren and Sophie

Joint Second = Oliver and Miley

Third = Esme

Well done to these children. A small prize was given to our winners and another prize will be awarded at the end of this half term.

Happy Reading from Mrs Hodge