Sandymere's Class Blog 20.9.24

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 2:55pm

Happy Friday!

Thank you for engaging in the new online reading log. We are really enjoying reading the comments, looking at the photos and listening to the recordings. We love reading in Sandymere and are so pleased to see that books are being enjoyed at home too. 

This week we have:

  • painted our clay creation in this week’s RE lesson. They all look amazing.
  • read ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. Our favourite drawing club session this week was inventing a mode of transport to help the characters travel to the Moon.
  • started our learning about Materials in Science. We had to look at lots of different objects and identify the materials they are made from. Perhaps you could have a material hunt at home to practice this skill some more.
  • counted forwards and backwards within in ten and found missing numbers.
  • begun our learning in Art and found out that a spiral is a continuous line. We had lots of fun creating our own spirals using pencils, graphite, charcoal and chalk. We drew on large sheet of paper, in our sketchbooks and outside on the walls and floor.
  • started Guided Reading sessions. On Monday, your child will bring home the book we have been looking at in these sessions along with an unseen book.

Please make sure your child brings their reading folder and their two reading books to school on Monday. We are not able to send home new books until the books from last week are returned.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

Team Sandymere.