Sandymere's Class Blog 22.11.24
Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 3:36pm
As the wintry weather arrived this week we have been talking about the seasons and found out that even though it snowed it is not Winter yet. We are still in the season of Autumn. We recapped which months belong to which season and that Winter starts next month, in December.
In English, we have continued on our curious quests with Professor Klunk, Noodle, Titch and Brain. We have been working hard on our inventions and our writing so that we keep the Greep away. We have started to teach Professor Klunk and his friends how to and in sentences. They are very impressed with the great start we have all made.
Our maths has focused on number bonds for all numbers up to 10. The aim by the end of year one is that children can remember most of the number bonds off by heart. This is because having known facts speeds up our calculations and mental maths work as we move through school. We have been thinking more about the vocabulary of addition – add, plus, groups, together, altogether, equals, is the same as and total.
We had lots of fun in science this week as we carried out an investigation to find out which materials are waterproof. Can you child tell you anything about what we found out?
We have had a lot of illness in our class over the last few weeks, so we have been reminding the class about keeping healthy by washing our hands and using tissues carefully.
Thank you for providing your child with suitable clothing for the cold weather. Can you please ensure that everything is named? We have a rather large collection of hats and gloves left in school and nothing has a name in. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend. Stay warm and dry!
Team Sandymere.