Tattenhall Day 2
Date: 25th Jun 2023 @ 6:04pm
Day 2...
After a delicious breakfast it was time for some team building challenges! We had to work in groups and use the very important skill of communication in order to succeed. The favourite activities were definitely the challenge of moving a football from one post to another without touching it with our hands and, of course, the low ropes course!
After this, we took on quite a different challenge - Willow Weaving - which was not an easy task! Well done to the children for persevering and trying their best despite the tiredness creeping in. After lunch it was time for the coach home. Some were ready to leave while others wished they could stay for another night!
Thank you to all the children for doing such excellent job of representing our school and for giving everything their all. A thoroughly enjoyable 2 days all round!
Mrs Riley