

Welcome to our curriculum page.

Here you will be able to see all of the amazing things we will and have been doing within all areas of the curriculum. Our curriculum map on our class page will tell you more about each subject, the area of learning and the skills and knowledge development we shall be working on. Below is a brief overview about some of the subjects and what we shall be learning this term. Keep coming back to this page as I will add more detail and photographs of work as we complete it.  

Autumn Term


Our first history topic focuses on exploring the enquiry question 'Why was the Titanic so significant?' Throughout this topic, we will be looking at lots of information, artefacts and images which explore the events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic and using this information to create a timeline. We shall be exploring what life was like on board the Titanic for the many different passengers and crew, we shall learn about some of the most significant passengers and creating a factfile about them, we will explore lots of different reasons for why the Titanic sank and what changes were made to sea travel follwing this. We will also take part in a debate looking at who might have been at fault. 


During the Autumn term, we will focus on two Science topics. The first will be living things and their habitats where we shall be explring the classfication of all living things and creating our own classification keys. We shall look at how taxonomists classifly animals and design our own new animal. We will learn more about Carl Linneaus and explore micro-organisms. We will also carry out an investigation explring waht conditions allow mould to grow. For the second part of the Autumn term, we will looking at evolution and inheritance and focusing on the work of Charles Darwin.


In Art, we will be exploring how 2D drawings can be transformed into 3D sculptures. We shall explore mark making, line and tonal value along with colur, shape and patterns to add to our drawing. We will also leanr about using negative space and the grid method to help us with our drawings.  


Later in the term, we shall be explring cam mechanisms in DT and using this to help plan and design our very own moving toy. 


We shall be exploring the UK and learning about the differences between the four countries, identifyung famous landmarks and the positioning of major UK cities, exploring the physical characteristics of the UK along with looking at human activity ans how this affects the landscape and we will also explore the differetn industries within the UK and the different types of energy sources used.


For the first part of the Autumn term, we shall be looking at communication and collaboration withon computing. We will explore how information is shared across the internet and understand the terms IP addresses, data packets and domain servers. We shall work together to create a project but we will only be able to communicate through a messaging tool to demonstrate the importance of communicating effectively. 


Our first topic in RE will focus on the world view of Humanism. We shall be exploring what it means to be a Humanist and explore their core values and beliefs.