Reading at Home

Reading at Over St. John’s

Reading is a fundamental skill, used to stimulate children's imaginations and where they learn to acquire a love for books. Teachers promote and value reading as an enjoyable activity and a life skill. At Over St. John’s, we encourage the daily reading and sharing of books at home. We carefully monitor the children’s reading at home and encourage parents to be fully active and engaged with us in this in order to support their child’s ongoing development. 

Reading diaries are checked weekly by an adult in school and reading is rewarded through our school raffle ticket reward system. For each read recorded in their diaries, children will receive a raffle ticket.

This year, we shall be playing a game of



This page is situated in your child’s reading diary with all the information that you need. Children will need to read at least four times over one week to receive a stamp and move around the Readopoly board. One square will be stamped for every four reads. For every four reads, the children will receive a special Readopoly token to put in our Key Stage prize jars, which will be drawn at the end of each term.

On the Readopoly board, there are special challenges for the children to complete when they reach the challenge square. The challenges are explained around the ‘Readopoly’ board. On this week, the challenge square will be stamped. If your child chooses to take part in this challenge, they will receive five tokens for the prize jar. Evidence of completed challenges must be sent to


Reading at Home

Reading and sharing books at home, as well as in school, is essential and can make a huge difference to a child’s reading ability and helps to develop an enthusiasm for reading and a life-long love of books. At Over St. John’s, we encourage the daily reading and sharing of books at home.

Throughout the school, in each class, children will take the following books home every week:

  • 1 x reading book matched to their current reading level
  • 1 x library book for reading / sharing for pleasure

Reading can also take on the following forms:

  • Independent reading of a school book.
  • Sharing a book together.
  • Talking about the book together and answering questions about it.

Children may choose to read a book they have read before. This is great. This helps to familiarise themselves with the text and type of book as well as developing fluency and confidence in reading.

Once your child has read the book to you at home, please send the book back to school to be changed. This also applies to Key Stage Two children who maybe reading to themselves.

Every time your child reads to you or to themselves (Year 5 and 6), please record this in the reading diary.

We would like to thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions, please send them into and they will forward it on to your child’s class teacher.

Resources to support reading at home.

Oxford Owl lots of resources and information about reading with your child

Free e book library on Oxford Owl You need to register and then the books are free to read online.