Hatchmere's Class Blog 12.1.24

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 3:55pm

The Naughty Bus has arrived!

The children have enjoyed meeting our Naughty Bus character in our focus text. He has already gotten up to some mischief! Imagine leaving everybody at the bus stop, how rude!

In Literacy this week the children have labelled some moving parts on a bus. They have also written a sentence about where they have travelled to on a bus. Lots of children were able to remember their school bus trips to Cotebrook and the pantomime which was really helpful in their writing.

Maths this week has seen the children subitising numbers up to 6, using a tally to record the traffic outside of school and ordering the numicon to show a number line to 6. In addition to this Hatchmere have been playing one of their favourite games...subitising bingo! If a chil gets a line fully coloured in they win the game and 5 raffle tickets, it's a competitive affair with some children playing over and over again.

As part of our discussions on our Capital City of London, Hatchmere have explored the word 'traffic'. This tied in beautifully with or Junior Safety Officers visiting the classroom to read the children a 'road safe' story. Thank you so much to Oliver, Lauren and Seth. You we all fantastic role models to our children.

This week we have role-played a busy road outside and talked about safe and unsafe crossing places. Hatchmere have impressed all of the adults in the room by explain how we always stop, look and listen.

Enjoy your weekend and we will see you at 8.35 am on Monday.

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