Hatchmere's Class Blog 20.10.23
Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 4:14pm
What a fantastic first half term Hatchmere!
This week the children have used their phonic knowledge to re-tell the story of the Gingerbread Man. They have listened carefully to the sounds in the words and used their sound mats to support their writing. Well done, Hatchmere.
Our mathematicians have been exploring the terms ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’. They have been able to use the phrases during discussions with their friends and adults; ‘Ladybird has fewer than Gingerbread Man’, ‘Gingerbread Man has more than Ladybird’. Super stuff.
Hatchmere have been exploring Harvest this week and have had the opportunity to handle, sort and label lots of different fruit and vegetables. We have discussed which vegetables are grown under ground and which are grown above ground. We have also played ‘I went shopping and bought a...' memory game, which we all enjoyed.
I am not sure if you have heard about the beauty salon that has recently opened up in Hatchmere? The children have been pretending to cut hair, style and then apply makeup. Even Mrs Monson was a lucky recipient of a Hatchmere makeover. Please contact the school to book your appointment, we have very eager 4 and 5 year olds ready for new customers!
We have had lots of children enter into our Junior Safety Officers ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ competition. Good luck and well done, I saw some entries that were very bright indeed.
We have said goodbye and good luck to one of our classmates today and whilst we are sad see them leave, we are excited for their new adventures. One thing is for sure, they will always be a Hatchmerian and they will always be our friend.
Enjoy your half term break, I will add my weeks learning plan next weekend.