Hatchmere's Class Blog 26.4.24

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 3:13pm

Hello Hatchmerians!

Hatchmere have had an unusual visitor in their class week who went rooting in the rubbish! We have no idea where our visitor came from and have been making ‘Found’ posters to display around the school.

In Drawing Club we read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and had a think about where we may like our own beanstalk to take us. The children’s imaginations ran away from them and we were visiting the Avengers, going to CBeebies Land and playing snap in a Princess Castle. I have attached their writing to the pictures below, can your child spot theirs?

After our Drawing Club ideas we thought we should actually plant our own beanstalk and see how tall it grows. Maybe Mrs Teece will have the opportunity to have a cup of tea with the Care Bears on a cloud after all!

You may have heard that a vet’s practice has opened within our classroom? We have lots of animals that need treatment and the children are enjoying developing their language in meaningful play as they take it in turn to be Vets, customers and the animals themselves.

Maths this week has seen the children continue to develop their number sense. They have created number lines, had a subitising Bingo session and have explained what a double is to the friends confidently. Our number challenge this week was won by Team 2, each child received 5 rt rewards…it’s becoming very competitive!

Our focus nursery rhyme this week has been The Animal Fair, we have all enjoyed singing it: The Animal Fair

Our focus dance performance was - I Like To Move It: I Like To Move It

Enjoy your weekend everyone, see you on Monday.

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