Hatchmere's Class Blog 27.9.24

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 10:22pm

We have had another fabulous week in Hatchmere which ended in the most ‘expressive’ way! All of Hatchmere looked amazing today and really showed what good friends they allare with lots of compliments on each other’s outfits.

The children are settling into their routines beautifully. Organising their morning things is becoming seamless and I have had some wonderful creations from playdough (as the children build their dexterity and strength in their hands).

In collective worship Hatchmere have had lots of compliments from staff about their behaviour and singing! We welcomed our new Vicar to his first OSJ collective worship on Wednesday and Hatchmere answered questions beautifully and showed him how hard they try with their singing. I am so proud of them.

Would you believe that only 4 weeks into their learning journey, Hatchmere can prepare their own learning resources in phonics. It is important to a child’s confidence and self-esteem that they can complete tasks independently. They show me they are ready for learning with their best ‘I am proud of myself’ faces.

Wibbly Wobbly Wand needed our advice on what strategies to use when counting a small amount in our maths lessons this week. The children got right to work giving him some tips. Count slowly, count carefully and stop when you have counted the last object…that is our stopping number! I have a feeling Wibbly Wobbly Wand will need our help again before long!

The children have been playing some games this week supported by adults. They included turn-taking, communication and a healthy amount of competition. All involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Did you hear about our visit from the Book Start Bear? Hatchmere loved having our special visitors read them an interactive story and when Mr Bear joined us, we all had a so much fun dancing to ‘If Your Happy And You Know It’.

Class Dance: Superman

Nursery Rhyme: I'm A Little Teapot

Drawing Club Vocabulary:

  • nervous
  • confident
  • vertebrates
  • stroll
  • surprising
  • imagination
  • greeting
  • villain

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