Hatchmere's Class Blog 29.11.24
Date: 28th Nov 2024 @ 9:06am
Hello Hatchmerians,
**WELL DONE – Our super readers, who have collected 10 green books on our online reading diary, have received a Bronze Reading Star (pic below) during whole-school collective worship to proudly display on their uniforms. We are so proud of them!
You will pleased to know that Herbie Hatchmere has settled into Hatchmere life beautifully. Each day he fetches a new book for our class 'leader' to open. He then sits on the leader’s knee as we read it. We are really enjoying this lovely cosy time Herbie and his fabulous books. The children love him.
Hatchmere have really excelled in their maths this week and it has been gorgeous seeing them taking their learning into their play. We have had patterns, different kinds of number-lines and point scoring! This is without their adult led tasks. We certainly are seeing some super mathematicians at work.
Ask us anything at about Squirrels, I bet we'll know the answer! We have been full of squirrel facts this week and the children have proudly wrote them down to add to their literacy books. Super work.
In Drawing Club the children have been thinking about what animal they would like to find in their present. We have had lots of unique ideas and the children have independently wrote down their sentence using their planning, sounding out and sound mats as support. I really enjoyed seeing their learning applied through their independent writing.
As part of their music lesson with Miss Pile the children have been outside to look for the ‘Golden Spider’. We saw their icy webs in the fencing and the children were looking for a web that spelt out Hatchmere. We saw so many beautiful patterns.
Don’t say it out loud yet, but Hatchmere have been learning all about the Christmas Story and choosing their own roles for our church performance. We have had a costume try on and the excitement is building! More information about roles and costumes will be sent out soon.
Drawing Club Vocab:
Nusery Rhyme: Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses
Class Song: When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney
Class Dance: Cha Cha Slide
Have a lovely weekend.