Hatchmere's Class Blog 5.1.24

Date: 4th Jan 2024 @ 10:05pm

Happy New Year Hatchmerian families!

As you can see from the pictures below the children have started off the year strong! We have gotten back into the swing of our classroom routines! 

The children were full of festive tales when they returned on Friday and were able to write about their Christmas break. Lots of mentions of presents and toys, alongside the time spent with their families. See if you can spot your child's writing below.

In Maths this week we have been all about sizes! The children have explored the classroom to find something long and short, big and little, tall and small. They also measured each other with string to see who was the tallest and who was the smallest, we even found some children that were of equal length. Ask your child what the word 'equal' means. Can they put it in a sentence? Let us know what they said.

We were very fortunate to have Delamere visit us on Thursday with their hand designed and hand sown Owl puppets! They were fabulous and Hatchmere really enjoyed hearing all about it and asking questions. During our snack time that day we were inspired by Delamere to read The Owl Babies. Can you child remeMber the names of the owl babies?

Next week is already packed to the rafters with fun and interesting learning activitIes related to our new focus text of 'The Naughty Bus' by Jan Oke and Jerry Oke. This is always a favourite in the Hatchmere classroom and we really enjoy learning about transport and our capital city of London.

Next week looks like it is going to be cold, please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves (no bare legs please).

Enjoy the pictures below alongside your child as they fill you in on their learning in the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend.

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