Hatchmere's Class Blog 10.11.2023

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 9:15pm

Hello Hatchmerians, 

Have you heard!? We have had a visitor in our outside area! Our resident Squirrel paid us a lovely visit and the children were able to witness how he collected his food and then went and buried it.# for the Winter months. We were absolutely fascinated, and it was a fabulous start to our new focus text of The Squirrels who Squabbled. Alongside investigating some facts about squirrels Hatchmere have been exploring some new vocabulary. They have been learning what the words scurried, towering and spontaneous means alongside many others. 

Hatchmere have been challenged to compare numbers and objects this week. They have used our balance scales to give lovely comparison number sentences; “The cow is heavier than the brick” “3 bricks are heavier than the pig”. We have also become confident in using the word ‘equal’. Ask your child what it means and email the school with their answer, we would love to hear their explanation. 

Inspired by our Autumn treasures, our wordless book 'The Visitors' and artist Andy Goldsworthy, Hatchmere have been creating their own  story using natural resources. These will go on display within the classroom, alongside pictures of the proud authors. We cant wait to share them with you. Also, big thanks to Mrs Monson who braved the elements to ensure the children had the support they needed to achieve their visions. Thank you Mrs Monson!

On Thursday we had a fire drill practice at school. I was very proud of the way the children reacted so quickly to it. We were lined up, out of the door and in our fire assembly area (playground) in no time. Super work Hatchmere. 

This week as part of Parliament Week we have been discussing British Values, in particular, respect. We discussed that lots of us show respect every day by using our manners, in fact, Kirsty who serves lunch to children sent a message to Hatchmere saying how wonderful it is to hear so many of our children using their manners when collecting their lunches. We are being respectful when listening to the teacher during our class inputs. The children are also very good at being respectful to each other by helping, sharing and playing.  

Another focus of ours this week has been learning about Remembrance Day and the reason we wear Poppies. We explored the meaning of respect when we are remembering the men and women of our armed forces (wearing a poppy, using the 2 minutes silence to think about those that protect us and say thank you). The children have listened carefully and are able to articulate the reason why we do this and why it is important. We also harvested our own Poppy seeds and planted in our Remembrance Bed in our outside area. We said a prayer and took a moment to think of those in our Armed Forces and give thanks. The children showed great respect and maturity as they stayed silent for 2 minutes.

Please do not forget that it is Odd Sock Day on Monday in recognition of celebrating our differences and individuality as part of our Anti Bullying week launch!

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