Head Teacher Blog: Friday 11th December 2020

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 10:27am

You may have heard from the media this week that schools have been given permission to close a day early for pupils, for a training day for staff (INSET) on Friday 18th December, should they so wish. As a school, we have made the decision not to close early. We feel that the short notice poses a number of obstacles for parents who have to arrange childcare, it makes it difficult to arrange any meaningful training as ours is already planned for the year, not to mention disappointing the children who are looking forward to our non-uniform Christmas Jumper day whilst watching the pantomime. So as planned, we will close on Friday 18th December, but as always at the end of term, this will be one hour earlier than usual. Please see the dates section at the end of this blog for more detailed times, which have been made available on every Head Teacher blog since we returned in September.

Informing School of a Positive Result during the Christmas Period

Reminder from last week - please see attached guidance below for informing school of a positive result for a child over the Christmas holidays. There are some differences to times, dates and the contact e mail address during the school holidays, so do please read and take note. For all other times, please continue to use the positiveresult@overstjohns.cheshire.sch.uk address should you receive a positive result for a pupil only – not parents.

#WakeUpWednesday – a Christmas Treat!

Christmas songs are as much a part of the festive period as baubles and mince pies. In what’s rapidly becoming an essential National Online Safety tradition, they are delighted to present another Christmas ditty from Dan and Sam, better known as the über-talented Musicalternative boys. You might think that – of all years – 2020 would be impossible to encapsulate in a single, upbeat song. But as they always do, Musicalternative have absolutely smacked it out of the park. Enjoy. And Merry Christmas.

Follow the link on this website: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/ 

Miss Oxley

As this will be my last blog before Christmas (see below), I am sure that you would like to join with me in sending our best wishes and congratulations to Miss Oxley who gets married on 19th December, after having to postpone from her original date in May. We hope that Miss Oxley and her husband-to-be have a fantastic day and we look forward to welcoming her back in January as Mrs Rutherford.

Cine Window Display

You may remember that I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the children decorating baubles for a display in the Cine Window in the town centre. This display is now complete – please do take your children down to have a look and see if they can spot their bauble, which will be on display until mid-January. They had over 700 baubles from 7 schools and the organisers would like to express their appreciation to all those that contributed. If you are unable to get to see it in person, here is a link to the film that is on display:

Cine Window Christmas Bauble Display

A&E Notifications for Instances of Self-Harm

For some time, schools across Cheshire West have said that, in order to support children and families fully, it would be helpful for us to be notified of any children presenting at hospital following self-harm incidents. There were examples of children turning up at school in Cheshire West and no-one being aware that the child had self-harmed the night before; at other times parents had to tell the school which was traumatic for that parent. This impacted the support schools were able to offer and any safety plan they might wish to support the child with.

As a consequence, a new system has been developed - please see the attached letter below for parents.

Applying for Reception Places for September 2021

If you have a child who is turning 4 years old between now and 31st August 2020, or know of a child who is, then the application round is also open for them to apply for their Reception place. The timescale is slightly different for this and you have until 15th January 2021, but like the secondary school place, before making your application, it is important you view the Starting School booklet. To apply, you will need to create an account or log in if you have an existing online account.


School dinners cost £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free meals as part of the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme.  Dinner money must be paid in advance via the School Money system as we do not accept cash in school anymore due to our COVID-19 Risk Assessment.

If you are in receipt of benefits and think that you may be entitled to free school meals, please click here for more information and support and how to apply. It is very important to apply for free schools meals whatever year your child is in, even if you receive the UIFSM in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, as the school receives a sum of extra money to further help support your child and their education.

Absence During Term Time

Please may I remind you that schools are not allowed to authorise pupil holidays in term time. Any child going on holiday in term time will receive an unauthorised absence. Our registers are regularly checked by the Education Welfare Service and parents may be issued with a fine from the Local Authority for unauthorised absence, which is currently £60 per child, per parent and this rises to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.

Confirmed Dates for the Autumn Term 2020 – new dates are highlighted

Sunday 13th December: Drive-In Carol Service at Winsford Academy at 6pm

Wednesday 16th December: Christmas Dinner Day

Thursday 17th December: Class Christmas Activities and Non Uniform

Friday 18th December: Whole School Pantomime

Friday 18th December: Christmas Jumper Day (Non uniform)

Friday 18th December: School closes for Christmas. Finishing times as follows:

Blakemere at 1:45pm

Linmere at 1:45pm

Oakmere at 1:50pm

Delamere at 1.55pm

Sandymere at 2pm

Hatchmere at 2.05pm

Monday 4th January 2021: School opens – usual bubble times apply

I will not be sharing a blog with you all next week as we will be busy in school with virtual pantomimes and all things festive, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during what has been a very unusual term. We have managed to complete the term with minimal disruption to learning and the children have all adapted so well to the changes that we have had to put in place. I hope that, as we look towards a new year, we can also look forward with new hope that we can all get back to being together in a more normal way.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and I would like to wish you all a very, Merry Christmas.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:10-12


Take care,

Mrs E Snowdon

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